Renewable Energy Department In Haryana

Concept Explanation

Renewable Energy Department In Haryana

To promote the use of renewable energy such as solar, wind, bio-fuel, etc. the department of renewable energy was established. The department works as a nodal agency Under the Energy Conservation Act. 2001.

  • The department constituted a nodal agency in 977 to develop the non conventional sources 0f energy which is known as HAREDA.
  •  Haryana Renewable Energy Development Agency (HAREDA)

  • It is the State Nodal Agency for coordinating all activities relating to renewable energy development including generation of power using non-conventional energy sources.
  • HAREDA is responsible for laying down the procedure for inviting the proposals from Independent Power Producers (1PPs), DPR preparation, evaluation of project proposals, project approvals and project progress monitoring, etc.
  • It functions as a single window clearing agency for all renewable energy power projects for facilitating necessary clearances and approvals on behalf of the Government of Haryana.
  • HAREDA gets financial support from both, the State and the Central Government.
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